Breast Pump Hire Process

  1. Make your booking here on the website (please only contact the breast pump coordinator if you have issues with the online booking system or do not have access to it).
  2. When making your booking, select your hire date from the calendar. Your booking can be a maximum of 12 weeks, 3 months in advance.
  3. Payment is expected within 72 hours of making the booking, even if your hire does not start for several months. You may make special payment arrangements with the pump coordinator to pay later than this or divide the full amount up into several smaller payments. If you wish to do this, please contact the breast pump hire coordinator before making a booking.
  4. Once we have received and confirmed your payment, you will receive a confirmation email.
  5. A week before your hire is due to start, you will receive an email reminder. Then is a good time to contact the pump hire coordinator to arrange pickup, although you can schedule pickup any time before your pump hire starts. Please note that pump cannot be picked up before your booking start date unless special arrangements are made and only if the pump is available early.
  6. The pump coordinator will make specific arrangements with you for a day, time and place for pump pickup. Also, see “Pickup & Return” for general information on the pump pickup and return locations (and days/times). IMPORTANT: Pump pickup must be arranged and confirmed by the pump hire coordinator BEFORE picking up the pump please.
  7. You, or the person picking up the pump for you, will pick the pump up from the arranged location. Included will be the pump and any necessary accessories.
    You will also receive a copy of the pump instructions, hire contract and tips by email. Please contact the pump hire coordinator if you do not receive this email.

    All people who handle the pump MUST read the pump instructions and pump hire contract please.
  8. Once you have the pump, we recommend you test it is in working order. Should you find any issues with the pump or equipment, please contact the pump hire coordinator ASAP!
  9. Once your hire period starts to come to an end or you are done with the pump, it should be cleaned, dried and packed up in the same tidy way you received it.
    You, or the person in charge of returning the pump, then contacts the pump hire coordinator to arrange the return. Drop off MUST be confirmed by the pump coordinator BEFORE returning the pump. Please do not drop off the pump to any location without the coordinator confirming first!
  10. Once the pump is returned, the pump coordinator will inspect the pump and then organize bond refund if the it is clean, tidy and undamaged or contact you should anything be amiss. The bond refund requires a second bank signatory to authorize the payment. Please note we try to do this in as timely fashion as possible, but as it requires two people to action, this can take up to seven days. Once the refund has been actioned, it is usually refunded to your account within a working day. Some banks may take longer. If you do not receive your bond refund within 14 days of receiving the bond refund email, please contact the pump hire coordinator.
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