- How long have you been a midwife and why did you become one?
- What are your beliefs about pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding?
- How many women do you care for in a month? (Full time practice is recommended by Midwifery Council as 4-6 women/month.)
- Do you have children and how old are they?
- Do you come to my home for our visits?
- How many women have you cared for that have planned a home birth?
- What are your statistics (for caesarean, induction of labour, epidural, episiotomy etc.)
- Are you a member of New Zealand College Of Midwives? And how regularly do you have your practice reviewed?
- What is your arrangement for back-up care? (You need to feel comfortable that the back-up midwife is someone you have met and that her practice is similar to your midwife’s.)
- How many postnatal visits do you usually make after the birth? (Midwifery Council minimum requirement is 4 weeks and may be up to 6 weeks.)