Tens Machine Hire Contract

By hiring a tens machine from Waikato Home Birth Association the hirer agrees that:

  1. Waikato Home Birth Association (WHBA) owns the tens machine and any accessories, equipment and incidentals supplied with it.
  2. The hirer will pay:
    1. The hire fee and bond which must be paid within 72 hours unless a prior arrangement has been made with the tens machine coordinator.
    2. Any cost associated with repair or replacement of the tens machine and accessories/equipment due to damage incurred during hire and/or whilst the tens machine and supplied accessories/equipment is in the hirer’s care/possession that is in excess of the bond (in which case the bond will not be refunded).
    3. Any cost associated with cleaning of the machine and accessories/equipment due to contamination during hire and/or whilst the machine and supplied accessories/equipment is in the hirer’s care/possession or due to insufficient cleaning before returning the machine that is in excess of the bond (in which case the bond will not be refunded).
  3. The cost is $50 per five week hire fee and $50.00 refundable bond.
  4. The bond and hire cost shall be paid to Waikato Home Birth Association, bank account no. 03 1557 0028013 000 .
    1. The Order Number must be used as the reference when making the deposit/transfer.
  5. The tens machine and supplied accessories/equipment will be collected from the tens machine coordinator by arrangement (see the Tens Machine Pickup & Return tab).
  6. It is important that the supplied instructions on the use and care of the tens machine and accessories/equipment are followed at all times. Any and all people who use the machine or help with its use must also follow these instructions.
    1. Failure to follow instructions can cause damage to the machine and/or equipment and will result in loss of bond and additional cost if over and above the value of the bond.
  7. The tens machine and supplied accessories/equipment will be returned to the tens machine coordinator as soon as the initial hire period has ended unless a prior arrangement has been made with the coordinator.
    1. WHBA reserves the right to deny an extension of the hire period to ensure availability to other hirers.
    2. The tens machine and all accessories/equipment supplied must be well cleaned and well dried as according to the supplied cleaning instructions, and returned in the tidy manner in which they were collected.
    3. Upon return of the undamaged, cleaned and dried tens machine and accessories/equipment WHBA will refund the bond to the hirers nominated bank account.
    4. If any contamination or damage has occurred where the cost of cleaning, repair or replacement is in excess of the bond, the hirer shall pay the difference within a timely manner.
  8. Usage of the tens machine is at the sole discretion and responsibility of the hirer
  9. Waikato Home Birth Association is run by volunteers and as such, while the utmost care is taken, WHBA volunteers (including the tens machine coordinator) will not be held personally accountable for anything amiss with the tens machine and/or accessories/equipment. Should the hirer find anything missing, dirty, damaged or amiss upon receipt of the tens machine and accessories/equipment, the hirer shall contact the coordinator ASAP to discuss the situation.
  10. Waikato Home Birth Association will maintain the confidentiality of the hirer at all times.
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