Waikato Home Birth Association

Supporting your choice to birth at home, since 1979!

WHBA support women’s choice and we have a special commitment to, and belief in, home birth as the optimal choice of birthing for most well women and babies. We encourage women to actively explore and research all their options and to make choices for a better birthing experience.


You can support the Waikato Home Birth Association by purchasing one of our paid membership options. We offer both personal and professional membership options – take a look.


We are looking for new members to join our committee. Do you have a passion for home birth? Do you feel like you have something to offer our association? Get in touch, we’d love to have you join us!


Subscribe to our newsletter to read our latest updates, know about upcoming events, celebrate recent home births and more.

Birth pool hire

Submersion in warm water has been shown to be a safe, relaxing, enjoyable and satisfying way to labour and birth. Hire is from 37 weeks pregnant until birth.

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